Unexplained 07 (Nov 22 - Dec 26)

Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Fri Nov 03, 2023 7:33 am

Signs To Know If You’ve Been Cursed (What to look for)

By Tana Hoy

Bad luck can be caused by negative energy hitting the earth, like the big one that is going to hit in December.

Bad luck can be caused by people placing curses on you (Voodoo, Witchcraft, etc), or it can also be caused by psychic curses. Psychic curses are cast when someone has a negative thought towards you.

There is bad luck that is karmic in nature. Meaning it happens due to some actions you made against another person in one of your past lives.

Bad luck can also be caused by a streak of negative energy that has caught you in it’s flow. This type of bad luck usually only comes in streaks, is short lasting, and passes after a few day or a few weeks.

https://www.tanahoy.com/signs-to-know-i ... 3e68310bb1
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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Thu Nov 09, 2023 1:33 pm

El Morya: Truce among Species

by Rebecca Marina

You have dominion over situations that overwhelm you.

You have the right to call for a truce and for more angelic help.

https://www.eftexpert.com/blog/el-morya ... a314615401
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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:03 pm

The GREAT WAR! What it REALLY means...

by Saratoga Ocean

Our earth based languages are limited.

Our capacity to know is much bigger than words.

Our knowledge is experiential.

Duality was created from a lie of "I AM Not".

As long as you accept "negativities", you cant evolve.

Stand on Truth.

AI wants to take over human's intelligence and to prevent humans from playing a positive role in the evolution of the planet.

The real war is between AI and Biological Lives

Listen to your heart. Commune with your deeper self.

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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Fri Nov 17, 2023 1:14 pm

Do this to clear negative energy out of your home!

By Tana Hoy

1. Stand with your feet about 2 feet apart.
2. Close your eyes.
3. Take 3 deep breaths.
4. Place your hands palms up at your sides.
5. Imagine a white light flowing out of your palms.
6. Imagine this white light flowing into the room you are in and see it filling up the entire room.
7. Open your eyes.

https://www.tanahoy.com/do-this-to-clea ... 3e68310bb1
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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Sat Nov 25, 2023 7:48 pm

We're being absorbed..

by Saratoga Ocean

While we’ve been slumbering away in our politically-driven morass of hate, war, and division, something else is unfolding right beneath our feet.

What’s happening now, is likely the most significant event that has ever occurred on planet Earth!

If you value your ability to evolve and ascend, consider what I have to share in this video.

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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Sun Dec 03, 2023 9:06 pm

URGENT MESSAGE for the Spiritual Community

by Saratoga Ocean

I have a serious and urgent message for the spiritual community and anyone who cares about their journey forward in this universe.

The timeline split that we have talked so much about is coming to a close.

Choices are being made and billions of people, appear to be following the lower timeline of A.I.

And now we have a growing number of people in the spiritual community who are becoming fervent proponents of A.I.

It's time for a major wake-up call! This is an intense and lengthy message, but I encourage you to listen all the way through, to get the full picture of where we are and what you as an individual must do going forward.

"I AM" vs "I Am Not".

Natural Human Evolution:-
1. The Universe is moving away from Duality
2. Humans need to also evolve out of Duality

Ascension is a journey of transmuting the density.

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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby behappyalways » Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:53 pm

Is there really a Yuelao in Yuelao Temple?

[唐陽雞酒屋】月老廟裡真的有月老?ft. 設計師的仙界傳說Misc

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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby behappyalways » Fri Dec 22, 2023 11:14 am

Smoke offering powder; the origin of smoke offering, food giving in Dameng Mountain + Zen Master Fudo

煙供粉;煙供的由來,大蒙山施食 + 不動禪師

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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Fri Jan 12, 2024 7:07 pm

What timeline is this?

by Saratoga Ocean

1. 2007 - iphone; Communication by Social Media
2. 2020 - Pandemic; Why Social Distance of 6 feet? Our heart's range is about 6 feet.
3. 2023 - ChatGPT;

Who Am I In This situation? Are you Creator or to be transformed as Hybrid in a Metaverse?

Stay align with the truth. Be true to who you are.

Stop listening to the Ego to counsel you on life.

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Re: Unexplained 06 (May 21 - Dec 23)

Postby winston » Sat Jan 27, 2024 7:50 pm

Something's coming...can you feel it? 2024 Planetary Update

by Saratoga Ocean

Can you feel it? Something's coming this year, and it's tough to say which direction the scale is going to tip.

In today's 2024 planetary update, I want to help you establish firm footing on your path of choice, so you're ready for whatever might be coming next!

We have only 6 months left before things go unpredictable.

All these started after 9/11.

The ability to talk about anything is essential to our ability to evolve.

Archangel Michael: Jan 6th - you are witnessing the fall of the US.

Grey; We dont have emotions and the human species seems to be heading that way.

Focus on things that you can personally control.

Use Pen & Paper: How would I like my life to be? What can I do to make that a reality?

When you see sameness in your life, create your life anew. Is this sameness as a result a repetitive pattern of thoughts, behavior or interpretation?

We dont need fear, anger, hate, division and a bunch of low frequency energy which is what the Controllers want. Make sure that you are a high energy frequency creator.

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