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Re: Ancient Chinese History

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:39 pm
by iam802
modern management theory:

"The ongoing integration of the global economy will lead to an inevitable undermining of the nation state in favor of the region. This is anathema to those who believe that a big, centralized state is the only way to run a territory. In "The Next Global Stage," Kenichi Ohmae argues that nation states are declining because their fixation on borders is not in line with today's transnational world."
-- By Kenichi Ohmae

[Slightly off-topic]

Sometimes, I see this theory as it does not matter where you are born. Our country is borderless. We are all foreign talents are welcome. And in a way, it is true. I could not guarantee that my girl will stay and work in Singapore when she grows up. 'Cos, she could be mobile and move around a lot.

And even our dear Winston here, despite being on this forum so frequent, he moves around a lot.

Re: Ancient Chinese History

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:42 pm
by kennynah
thanks GR....this one....laminate....

and if it is not too much to ask....if u have the dates of each of these periods.... enter here can? thanks.

grandrake wrote:夏商周 : first 3 dynasties (very colourful mythical stories here; 封神榜 is a novel that describes the transition from the 商 to 周 dynasty

春秋战国 : warring states period (lots of very nice 成语 stories come from this period; as a kid, I loved reading a couple of books that told these stories)

秦汉 : Ch'in & Han dynasties, China united

三国晋统一 : 3 Kingdoms period, reunited under 晋; ironically reunification wasn't by any of the 3 main families (刘, 孙, 曹); well, technically speaking, they were reunited under Cao's armies but the eventual ruler was from the Sima family - the Cao's forced the Han emperor to abdicate, the Sima's eventually returned the favour and seized the throne from the Cao's (karma is a nasty thing)

南朝北朝: more luan periods, I don't know too much about these (

隋唐: Sui and Tang dynasties

五代又十国: more luan periods, I don't know too much about these (

宋元明清: 4 dynasties; 2 of which (元 & 清) are under non-Han descendants

帝王休: end of monarchy system; the republic is born

Re: Ancient Chinese History

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:14 pm
by blid2def
I'm very poor with dates and memorizing them, so I don't know how good this table is (lazy to cross check with other sites), but try this:

Re: Ancient Chinese History

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:17 pm
by kennynah
thank you ,,,,many aligatoes to you.... i;ve always wanted to know the "2-mins" history of chinese empires...

Re: Ancient Chinese History

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:00 pm
by RidingOnTop


Interesting! It's just like the early philosophers' debate if the universe is essentially changing or unchanging. If they had internet then.. they may had started a forum! :D

Re: Ancient Chinese History

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:10 am
by surfer_z
Besides students flocking to temple to pray during Confucius Birthday hoping to score As in their exams. Maybe the milk producers/businessman from China can take this opportunity to pray to Confucius on the enlightenment of "仁".

Re: Ancient Chinese History

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:20 am
by iam802
Yes, interesting enough.

We dedicate so much to studies in our early years...and yet throughout the entire life, I wonder how much is dedicated to 'ren'?

Having said that, I saw on the news a couple of days back.... that one of the Chinese temple is having some ceremony for 'Confusius'.

I have no idea which temple or when it will be conducted.

Re: Ancient Chinese History

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:01 pm
by kennynah
anyone knows how to trace one's roots back to china ?

Re: Ancient Chinese History

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:20 pm
by behappyalways
If you like Chinese History, the below is a good TV series. It is about the Warring States Period in which Shang Yang did a dramatic legal and cultural changes to the Qin state which resulted in Qin emerging as the strongest state. If I remember correctly, altogether there are 51 epsiodes. Quite a good show. ... ostID=9394 ... DB%B9%FA25

Re: Ancient Chinese History

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 6:32 pm
by winston
Welcome behappyalways !

May your stay here be a happy, profitable and enjoyable one !

Take care,