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Re: Feedback and "After Action Review" for Our Forum

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:24 pm
by kennynah
lately very occupied with some work related matters.... will post more when i have the time...

Erm can we take out the news updates from active topics?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:02 am
by HengHeng
Hi there , recently I've discovered a drop in discussions among forumers more of news threads nowdays. Personally , I find it a pain to see stuff pop up everyday in the active topics , no offense to winston for spending all the time to come out with all these news but I think it is flooding the topics with news which I think is information overload. It in turn pushing threads that is adding value through discussions down too fast.

I'm not saying that these information isn't good but I think news updates shouldn't appear on active topics which are meant for discussions.

Maybe we can set something like if there is more than 2 post count per day then will appear at the active topics or to change the properties of the news threads to a lower importance and normal discussions a higher weigtage

To me it is getting irritating to search for some topics because of this spam.

Re: Erm can we take out the news updates from active topics?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:25 am
by blid2def
Eh... what you're asking for need AI man. Hahaha... 'cos we can't mark whether individual threads / posts should be included or not in the active topics list. We can mark entire forums or sub-forums, but that's like killing chicken with A-bomb. :lol:

The simplest way out for your case that I can think of, is to bookmark/subscribe to the topics you want to keep referring to each time, and just use active topics to look for any interesting new topics. Two-step process, but at least you don't have to pull your hair out searching for the topics you want. :)

Re: Erm can we take out the news updates from active topics?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:30 am
by Poles
i think we just need more participation.......

Re: Erm can we take out the news updates from active topics?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:36 am
by HengHeng
no lah .. programing wise i tink the active updates actually is activated by a post updated ... as long as you make the number instead of 1 become 2 can liaoz .. if that is going by sql

somemore sometimes , interesting topics .. like when you guys wanna talk on certain thread .. it becomes pushed down i very lazy to scroll to the second page sometimes the thread dies because we don't get to read it ..

Well if you notice recently only left a few people posting nia as compared to months back ..

personally i dunno lah .. i did the bookmarks .. but what i was refering to was the human touch ..

just tell me lor .. how many of you guys actually read EVERY single topic in the news?

Even i have bloomberg i also dun read all the stuff .. i also just read summaries nia ..

what i mean was what is meant to be achives .. let it be achives .. anyway it was just a suggestion .. if cannot do i also boh pian .. LOL ... i just found that the forum getting seriously boring ..

of coz not like bombing each other is interesting but i used to enjoy the active discussions which nowadays i see less of...

Re: Erm can we take out the news updates from active topics?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:43 am
by HengHeng
just tell me lor .. assuming if u got only 15~30mins a day to read. . u think u got time to SCROLL through the stack of "active" topics of news just to look for interesting post by other forumers?

Re: Erm can we take out the news updates from active topics?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:53 pm
by blid2def
Quick answer to the technical part is: I don't know how it's coded; whether it's just a simple counter increment check or it uses a boolean flag to determine if there are active topics to display. Personally, I'm disinclined to look at and modify codes because when new forum s/w versions are released, it's a pain. :D

Besides, unless the thresholds can be stored separately for each user (i.e. you can save your own threshold settings), then I won't implement a code change, because what doesn't suit you might suit others. So, extra coding needed... dun want lah... siong leh. :D

Anyway, to answer your question about reading through all the topics - I can frankly say that I don't read 90% to 95% of the topics. However, that's the same for every forum I go to. :D

Re: Erm can we take out the news updates from active topics?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:37 pm
by HengHeng
no prob ... just a suggestion .. not a must .. Lol ...

Good to have , not a need though .. LOL .. just only feel a pain to search for stuff interesting .. nowadays information overload and it is not like the market damn good .. but alot of useless data to me.. LOL ... but what might be useless to me might be very useful for others it is just personal preference though .. LOL

Anyway , i suggested it partially due to you complained on the laggness on the forumn so i thot probably because the database too much data .. LOL .. anyway ... no issue lah ... dun worry about it ..

Re: Erm can we take out the news updates from active topics?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:58 pm
by blid2def
Haha kam sia for suggestions by the way. Got suggestions better than no suggestions, else like cemetary like that. :D

BTW, I din complatin about laggness on forum lah. Just that last time, my hosting provider sometimes had some issues, so a bit slow or unstable. Lately seems okay. I also try to do some backend mass deletion to clean up disk/database space now and then.

Anyway, no prob, thanks for suggesting again. As usual, I'll keep an eye out for mods developed by others that can meet this need, so that I can just plug and play. You know lah, I also loafer, dun like to invent wheels. :D

Re: Erm can we take out the news updates from active topics?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:28 pm
by kennynah
ok man...this is a lively discussion thread...keep it going man...

oh yes..poland..need more participation...starting with all of us....