Could a new Palestinian state bring Israel to the ICC? AFP - If Palestine achieves UN "non-member observer status" on Thursday, it could open the door for the International Criminal Court, to investigate crimes committed during the decades-long Israel-Palestinian conflict.
While the possibility of swift prosecutions of Israelis is slim, the spectre of such cases being brought before the ICC, has overshadowed the Palestinians' bid.
Britain notably said it would abstain from the vote unless the Palestinians pledged not to seek an ICC case against Israelis.
Based in The Hague, the ICC can prosecute those guilty of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, committed since July 1, 2002, when its founding treaty, the Rome Statute, came into force.
So far it has been ratified by 121 countries, although not
Israel, or the United States, China and Russia.
( So why did the "Land of the Free" not accept the ICC ? ) ... israel-icc
It's all about "how much you made when you were right" & "how little you lost when you were wrong"